Thursday, January 13, 2011

An exchange of text messages ...

Some camp organiser addressed me as “Uncle Irfan”. Disgraceful! I felt impelled to text this fact to 2 friends (Shaf & Taz) who are old campsters. Here's Taz's responses.

Hey Mama, I’m sure there’s a fatwa against that (or in support – can’t remember) :)
I don't know what's worse - uncle or mama!! As for Shaf ...

Bro that is borderline defamatory!! Blady Muslin youthh as Uncle Kazim used to say.

Who is Shaf? Who is Uncle Kazim? Here's a shameless plug - buy a copy of the book and find out!! Only $15 for YMA camp participants. Normally $27.95 in the shops.

What more can I say? Here is an irrelevant illustration.

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