Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An article and responses ...

An article of mine was published on The Drum website while we were on camp. To read it, click here. Don't be put off by the feral comments. It's all standard.

Some of the guys read it. Here are their responses. 

Lessons at the River ...

After a refreshing swim down at a nearby river, a group of guys performed the asr (late afternoon) prayer. Ahmed Abdo addressed us shortly afterwards. I didn’t take notes. Then again, neither did he. It was all off the cuff. Here’s what I remember.

Allah has brought us together to a place where everything is in harmony. Look around you. You don’t see the trees fighting the grass or the rocks objecting to the river’s flow. Everything in God’s nature is on harmony. Everything knows it has a purpose and it fulfils that purpose.

[Irfy’s note: including those wretched mosquitoes!!]

If only we could recognise our purpose in this world. Purpose in times and places like this, we can ponder over why we are here.

 This bloke certainly understands his purpose - to look cool.

Check out these funky mullahs